Mother's day after divorce: how best to handle this special day
Whatever the reason, you are divorced. This is probably not a happy time in your life. But the world moves on: soon the first Mother's Day after the divorce is around the corner. How do you handle this together as ex-partners?
Dealing with emotions on Mother's Day after divorce
It may be that Mother's Day evokes emotions in you. In past years, you and your family may have had certain traditions for this day, and now everything is in question. Every situation is different and that is precisely what makes it so complex. But however difficult it may seem, together you can work it out. The following tips will help you on your way.
Talk together about celebrating Mother's Day
As difficult as this may be for you, try to talk with your ex-partner about how to make the day happen. For the children, it is also Mother's Day and it is important that they get a chance to surprise their mother. Is it actually the weekend the children are with their father? Then maybe they will spend an extra weekend or day with their mother this time. Or you might swap now in advance with the weekend when Father's Day falls. Have the conversation. And while doing so, always keep your children's best interests in mind, and you will probably come to an agreement.
Help plan a surprise
If the children are too young to buy a present for their mother themselves, as an ex-partner, try to help your children pick out a Mother's Day present Or planning a surprise. Depending on how the bond between the ex-partners is, the husband may be able to play a role on the day itself. For example, in preparing breakfast in bed. But of course, this can only be done if you have discussed this well in advance and do not set the other for an (unpleasant) surprise.
Call in a helpline
It may be that the relationship has been disrupted to such an extent or there is some other reason that the father no longer plays a role in the children's lives. In that case, to still give your children a chance to prepare their surprises, ask someone else close to you to help them. They will find that your sister, friend or mother will have a great time being involved.
Be kind to yourself
Don't manage to get out together and find yourself alone on Mother's Day against your will? Then don't forget to take good care of yourself and give yourself a little extra love and attention on this special day. Plan an activity that will make you happy. Meet up with girlfriends, go to the sauna or dine at a lovely fancy restaurant where you can't take the kids anyway. Or plop down on the sofa with a cup of tea and delve into the background of Mother's Day. Whatever you do, as long as it is nice me-time. Of course, a present for yourself on this day should not be missing either.
In addition to this blog, there are also some frequently asked questions about Mother's Day after divorce that we would like to answer for you.
Should I invite my ex-partner for Mother's Day if he is the father of my children?
No, you are not obliged to invite your ex-partner on Mother's Day if you don't want to. The important thing is that you feel comfortable and enjoy the day with your children.
Should I buy gifts for my ex-partner on Mother's Day?
Buying gifts for your ex-partner on Mother's Day is not an obligation, but it can be a gesture of goodwill and respect. However, it depends on the relationship you have with your ex-partner and how you decide to celebrate this day.